"Spinning a web of words, pale walls of dreams, between myself and all I see."- pg. 8


Hail those who hear me boast-
I am LZEE, from the roots of the grand Honduran Tree
From the land of the great Gretna, in the bayous of Louisiana
Thick with the skin of humble-thanes roaming the pyramids of Honduras
With stars and stripes in my heart. Daughter of the mechanic and house wife secretariat-
As my descendants- the Salvadorian spear-trees, my hair runs long and brown.
My red and blue skies filled with white stars, a strong Honduran-American,
With a rugged course of muddy rivers running through my retina, rummaging each remembrance.  (a)
With my clay-potted skin I run through fields;
The fairest of thy sport, dancer of the bongos, mistress of the stories scribed on this rock
I tell you this from the lowest of bayous; I’ve hit the hardest of fast balls
Kicking hornet-skinned-minions out of my way to make the score of the day.
Shaping my boast- brains or brawn or both-sharing the truths of stories to come  (a)
I stand here, with my calves well placed on this wet swampy ground,
With all the might in my arms I boast of the victories I’ve accomplished
Alongside the builds of my fellow tigers, my white skin tinged with black from the feast of eagles.
Surpassing the knowledge of anyone who crosses our paths, we soon make it to our destination
The plank lined with the ring-givers, we’ve completed our mission
Scarred with wit and memories, here I boast of my final one.
A tiger with the power of Beowulf, destroying any Grendel in my way
I toast to my final boast as a triumphant tiger;  (a)
 Shape-shifting from tiger to wolf, green-waves, or maybe even replacing our white tint with gold
I end one boast, and being a new one.